Tag Archives: surfing the gulf coast

Sand Key Gallery


Check out this awesome gallery of shots mostly from Sand Key Park during a summertime swell.  This was a decent day for the summer-time in the gulf. Continue reading Sand Key Gallery

Honeymoon Island State Park Surfing Epicness

When Honeymoon Island State Park gets good, it gets really good. Honeymoon Island is not known for its slabbing barrels into dry sand. This wave is known as a point-break. It’s known for its very long rides down the endless sandbar. The positioning of the island in the gulf, coupled with the nature of the waves we get along the gulf, have shaped the sandbar and the island in general into a point. Cold fronts pushing in from the northwest, along with the northwest down shore drift shaped this sandbar into a perfect right.  There are also little righthand tubes when the wind is blowing in variations from the south; it’s when the wind blows directly into the rights. Whether it’s summer or winter, the right is usually firing. And when the waves are good, it’s usually on. Continue reading Honeymoon Island State Park Surfing Epicness