Gopher Tortoise

The gopher tortoise (gopherus, polyphemus) can be found all over the gulf’s barrier islands.  They are terrestrial animals, and as such they cannot swim very well. This turtle likes dry sandy areas, areas like sand dunes, and arid coastal islands.  Its legs are designed for digging in the sand, instead of swimming in the water. The turtle can grow up to a foot long, and weigh 30 pounds.  The tortoise’s lifespan can range from 40 to 60 years.

This tortoise is known as a Keystone species.  It’s been given this important title because it has such an important impact on such a wide variety of species. It digs a burrow in the sand, and there are more than 350 species of creatures that use the tortoise burrows in one way or another.  The creatures who depend on these burrows are called commensals.  Many of the commensals even depend on these burrows for survival.  The list of creatures that depend on these burrows includes the indigo and pine snakes, opossum, burrowing owl, mouse, gopher frog, gopher cricket, and scarab beetle. The keystone tortoises play a critical role in the ecosystem.

The gopher tortoise is a threatened land based turtle.  Much like the sea turtles, it is a protected species of turtle. As written by the state regulatory agency, “People should not take, attempt to take, pursue, hunt, harass, capture, possess, sell or transport any gopher tortoise or parts thereof or their eggs, or molest, damage, or destroy gopher tortoise burrows, except as authorized by commission permit or when complying with commission approved guidelines for specific actions which may impact gopher tortoises and their burrows.”  If the tortoise is crossing the road, be sure to avoid turtles in the roadway.  The regulatory agency mentioned that, you can help turtles cross the road.  Steer clear of their mouth.  They are most easily picked up from the side of the shell.

These tortoises are herbivores.  They are not carnivores.  Plant’s make up the entirety of their diet. Before consuming their meal the turtle will give the plant a thorough sniff, just to examine their meal.  The turtles eat a wide variety of plants, even cactus, but mostly grass.  By eating plants the turtles get the moisture they need.



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