Category Archives: Product Review

Retro Wetsuit from Body Glove

Body Glove has a retro line of clothing designed around the bright colors and cuts of the retro era. To go along with the clothing they’ve added two retro wetsuits. The wetsuits are bright, high contrast colors in distinctive patterns. They are back zip 3/2 wetsuits with two color patterns, and each one will run you 199 bucks from the website.

Women’s Clothing from Roxy

It’s springtime on the gulf coast.  With these steamy conditions you might be looking for a way to cool off.  Getting in the water in a stylish bikini is a great way.  These bright blue fashions and leisurely styles are perfect for the beach, and nicely accent the clear blue waters on a warm spring day.  You can order one from the Roxy line on

GoPro Hero 5 Black Camera Review

I received this camera as a Christmas gift.  I was delighted to unwrap this gift on Christmas eve.  It was what I asked for.  I have other action cameras, but wanted to try out one of the newest housing-less GoPros.

For a review, I would like to be able to write all awesome things about this camera, and how I am so impressed with it.  I want to tell you about all the great features, and the completely  unflawed performance of this action camera.  The flaws in the camera part of this review is not something I want to write, but a necessary part.  These blatantly obvious flaws need mention.  Continue reading GoPro Hero 5 Black Camera Review

Shark Deterrent Wristband

Let’s start this product review by taking a look at the evidence used to show the Sharkbanz product and the claim, which is that this magnetic wristband “really works” at “deterring sharks.” A claim stated using “scientific evidence.” Continue reading Shark Deterrent Wristband


The ladies who represent Reef as Miss Reef spent a little r-and-r at various secluded beach locations in Latin America.  Reef does an annual Reef girls video.  If for no other reason than using attractive women in branding you might consider a pair of Reef sandals.  These are a few of the Reef girls videos from years past. Continue reading Sexyness