Who’s Letting Us Surf?

Yesterday, after I made the 40 minute commute to the Clearwater area I was looking for a place to surf. In a shrinking surfing environment I had to find somewhere to surf. We are losing our freedom to surf in much of northern Pinellas County. For the sunny day yesterday with somewhat light winds we had limited beach access. This loss of freedom isn’t a party issue; it’s not just democrats or just republicans that are taking away our freedom. People within both of these so called separate parties are limiting our freedom. The state park (republican managed), Honeymoon Island State Park, was closed yesterday for the bright sunny windy day with surf. When I arrived in Clearwater and went to check Sand Key, the county park (democrat managed) the park was closed.
What this post is really about is the fact that the City of Clearwater was there for surfers. Well, sort of. They took away our parking on north beach, so we can’t really surf there anymore without getting a ticket or towed. It’s really a thank you for letting us surf on the south Clearwater Beach Jetty. There has been a trend to let us surf on that jetty during storms. It would seem absurd not to let us have anywhere to surf, especially since the community has been centered around surf marketing for decades. At least for the moment we have somewhere to surf in hurricanes in north Pinellas county. Sometimes they don’t let us surf. It’s a thank you for letting us surf, not a very good thank you, but a thank you. Thanks for letting us surf.

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