Category Archives: Bugs

A Moth

This little creature measures about 1 inch long. Its coloration is a pattern designed around the branches and trunks of trees, a brownish tree branch pattern. It’s camouflaged so that it can hide from its predators. They won’t sting you. They are attracted to the lights around your home at night time. If you squish them, they can be kind of messy. They are food for some birds. Despite being somewhat of a bug or an insect they are really more like butterflies, a rather beautiful creature.

It’s Getting Buggy: The deerflys are swarming!

The deerflies have started to appear everywhere!  A lack of scalding sun and baking warm air are letting these bugs be real neusances.  Watch out because they suck, blood that is.  These bugs will drain a quart of blood from you if you let them. They’re fast, but if your quick you can usually swat them after a few tries only to find another one quickly appears. Continue reading It’s Getting Buggy: The deerflys are swarming!