NOAA/NOS/CO-OPS Disclaimer: These data are based upon the latest information available as of the date of your request, and may differ from the published tide tables. Daily Tide Predictions StationName: DUNEDIN CITY DOCK State: FL Stationid: 8726761 ReferencedToStationName: Cedar Key ReferencedToStationId: 8727520 HeightOffsetLow: * 0.79 HeightOffsetHigh: * 0.7 TimeOffsetLow: -105 TimeOffsetHigh: -110 Prediction Type: Subordinate From: 20180526 04:42 - 20180529 19:23 Units: Feet Time Zone: LST_LDT Datum: MLLW Interval Type: High/Low Date Day Time Pred High/Low 2018/05/26 Sat 04:42 AM 0.80 L 2018/05/26 Sat 10:34 AM 2.72 H 2018/05/26 Sat 05:29 PM 0.07 L 2018/05/26 Sat 11:37 PM 2.37 H 2018/05/27 Sun 05:22 AM 0.88 L 2018/05/27 Sun 11:07 AM 2.83 H 2018/05/27 Sun 06:10 PM -0.12 L 2018/05/28 Mon 12:22 AM 2.40 H 2018/05/28 Mon 05:59 AM 0.97 L 2018/05/28 Mon 11:39 AM 2.90 H 2018/05/28 Mon 06:48 PM -0.22 L 2018/05/29 Tue 01:02 AM 2.39 H 2018/05/29 Tue 06:34 AM 1.05 L 2018/05/29 Tue 12:10 PM 2.93 H 2018/05/29 Tue 07:23 PM -0.25 L